Search Results | boolean logic

Your search for "boolean logic" returned 25 results

How Boolean Logic Works

Boolean logic lies at the heart of the digital revolution. Find out all about Boolean gates and how by combining them you can create any digital component!

How Relays Work

A relay is simply a mechanical switch that you’ll find in your house and car electronics. See what relay components are doing in all your stuff.

How Electronic Gates Work

Would you like to be able to build your own digital devices? Logic gates are the basis of digital electronics. Find out what these gates do and how you can use them to start building your own devices.

How Bits and Bytes Work

Bytes and bits are the starting point of the computer world. Find out about the Base-2 system, 8-bit bytes, the ASCII character set, byte prefixes and binary math.

What does solid-state mean in relation to electronics?

What is solid-state, and what does it mean? How does it relate to electronics?

How Semiconductors Work

Semiconductors form the heart of modern electronics. Learn about semiconductors, silicon, doping, diodes and other fascinating technologies.

How Digital Clocks Work

When you need to know the time, it's about a 50-50 chance you'll turn to some LEDs to find out. Ever wonder what goes on inside a digital clock or wristwatch? Find out about this basic digital technology -- and learn how to create your own digital timekeeper.

How the 10,000 Year Clock Works

The 10,000 year clock was designed to last a long time. Learn about how the 10,0000 year clock works and how it fits into the concept of time.

How DNA Computers Will Work

DNA computers could utilize your DNA strands for more supercomputing power. Learn how DNA computers could replace the silicon microprocessor.

How Microprocessors Work

Microprocessors are at the heart of all computers. Learn how microprocessors work and about microprocessor technology and development.

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